Saturday, May 2, 2009

Well after reading many blogs and thinking to myself how fun would this be to blog, my AWESOME and AMAZING HOT Momma friend from Cali, Teana convinced me to join. I am not sure really what to blog about, since I don't live a real exciting life, but I guess that means I will have to do more fun stuff so that I can blog:) I am making my new home in Georgia and what can I say I LOVE it. I always thought I would be a Texas girl my whole life(and I am in my heart) but I decided that after 26yrs of living in Texas and some life changing events I decided that it would be best to move and so here I am. I have made some awesome friends here and wouldn't trade em for the world. The next door neighbors kids are awesome and so they come over all the time to hang with "Miss Amber" and those are the days I look forward to after a really busy day. There is so much to do here in Georgia. It's a very touristy town, but so much to offer. I am still learning something new about this town everyday. It makes the transition even better that I have my cousin and her husband here. They are the most AMAZING people in the world, I seriously couldn't ask for better people to enter my life:) Since moving here I have been on a work out and run kick and it has really changed my life! I wake up feeling better than I have ever have before. I didn't take before pics, so when I decide to take some pics of me I will post em:) I will leave with a few pics of my new home Savannah Georgia! Until next time my blogging friends:)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!! Welcome to the world of blogging!

    ~Luv ya momma
