Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I am SO PROUD to be an AMERICAN!!

As I sit here typing about this past weekend and what a MAJOR holiday to me it was tears roll down my face. Memorial Day to me is so touching, this holiday will make a grown man cry. Everyday I take living in this AMAZING country for granted and I have yet to figure out why. Everyone celebrates holidays in their own way and I think that's great, but I don't think people take enough time to stop and actually think what this holiday actually represents. My dad was in the Army and did the Changing of the Guards at Arlington National Cemetery so it's a big deal in my family. Also since I am dating an Army guy it has made me realize how important our service men and women are to me. Enough about the sappy stuff, I guess I will share the events of my Memorial Day weekend:)

The weekend was pretty uneventful until Sunday. Like I said before I am dating an AMAZING Army guy(yes I am biased) and his unit got volunteered to do a 21 gun salute at our Vietnam Memorial we have here in downtown Savannah. Mike told me the ceremony started at 5 or 6 so I got in my car and drove down there like a bat out of hell and got there right at 5 to find out the ceremony didn't even start till 7:30...ugh men I tell ya! It was a rather nice ceremony. The Marine Corps band from Beaufort SC came to play while people were coming to the ceremony. We got really lucky and the weather was nice, since it had rained every day for a week. A Lt. in the Marine Corps that had just gotten back from Iraq last month came and spoke about different things about the military. Then it was time for my honey and his unit to do their 21 gun salute and when they did it, it sent chills down my spine. After the 21 gun salute the Marine Corps band played Taps and everyone lit and candle and stood around the memorial to pay tribute to the 106 fallen victims that died in Vietnam from Savannah. I took some pictures, but this very tall man in front of me blocked my view of the 21 gun salute...go figure!

On Monday Mike and I decided that we would do what almost every American was doing and go to a baseball game. We have a minor league baseball team here that's affiliated with the New York Mets and they are called the Sandgnats, so we decided to go watch them play. The weather again was GORGEOUS after the solid week of rain we had. We thought the game would be pretty full, but hardly anybody was there. I guess people were taking advantage of the pretty weather and were at the beach. The game was good even though we lost and it was Mike's first Sandgnat game and he said he wanted to go back for more games, so that's good:) I love me some beer, hot dogs and Sandgnat baseball:)

All in all the weekend was AWESOME!! I got to spend it with loved ones and of course the AMAZING bf:) I hope everyone had a GREAT Memorial Day. God Bless America and THANK YOU to all of our service men and women!

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