Sunday, May 3, 2009

Where do the weekends go...I know where, they slip away to fast!!!

I am always sad when Sunday night rolls around, because then it means back to the daily grind. I have come to believe that weekends are way to short and it's just not fair! This weekend was awesome. Watched the Kentucky Derby, and WOW what an experience that was....come from behind win. The horse we bet on of course lost, but it was fun! Saw a few famous people, Leann Rimes and Paris Hilton. It's something that you must do before you die! Went and laid out by the pool today and it was awesome!! We were laying out when the staff came around and were telling people to get out of the pool because someone threw up...gross I know, but it was fine by me because I wasnt swimming and all the kids left, so it was peaceful and i got to sleep, lay out and jam to my ipod...HEAVEN to me:) On my way back from the pool the neighbors kids saw me and wanted to go, so I said sure why not...I don't get to act like a kid everyday, so back we went to play in the kiddie pool until the big pool opened up again. Now its back to the daily grind, of hospital, hospital and more hospital...but I DO love my job, I promise:) This week will be very hectic as I am preparing to give a presentation in front of about 100 people about my occupation and what I do. So it's back to making flash cards, just like the good ol' days of college:) As soon as I find the charger for my carmera I will upload the Kentucky Derby pictures. Until the next time my blogging friends:)

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