Sunday, May 17, 2009

A weekend of RAIN, A ROCKETS LOSS & more...

The weekend was pretty good for the simple fact we got to see Michelle and Russ which is my cousins husbands sister and bro in law...did everyone follow that? They spent the weekend with us and of course a good time was had by all. Its always good to see them:) After I got home from Michaels on Saturday afternoon, my neighbor her kids and their cousins wanted to go to the community pool, so they asked and I of course couldn't turn down sun, a pool and great kiddos. Jackee begged me to go since she can't swim and wanted me to help her out with the kids. So off we go to the pool with 4 kids and 2 adults. I thought that they were going to play in the kiddie pool which is only 1ft. since they couldn't swim and Jackee and I were gonna get to lay out and jam to the ipod and get some rays, but that was short lived when they came running up and screaming my name to go into the big pool. I made the mistake of swimming and playing with them the last time and now they beg for me to play everytime. Which is ok with because I get to act like a 5yr old again and I am ok with that. We spent a good 2hrs at the pool. When I got out I was a prune, I havent been like that in I dont know how long, but all I had to do was look at my pruney hands and that reminded me of a great time with at the pool. As we are walking back home from the pool and I say to Jackee, man it smells like someone is cooking out, well the older I get the sooner my mind forgets things and then it dawned on me oh wait Jeff is cooking out! I was so hungry from playing at the pool that I stuffed my face with a juicy burger. I had ever intention of eating a dog too, but that was short lived when I felt my stomach about to pop from that awesome burger. After a wonderful burger we turned on the All Star NASCAR race to watch that. I was really hoping that my drive Kasey would actually win, since he won last year, but alas he disappointed me and didn't win. Oh well bring on the next race. Sunday was a good day a bit rainy and humid, but the wonderful and amazing bf wanted to take me on a lunch date to a sports bar(typical guy) to drink some brewskies and watch the Rockets and Lakers game. What a terrible game by the Rockets, but we had a good time anyway. We went to Wild Wings and I was so impressed by their food. I had the Fajita Chicken wrap(I think thats what it was called....see there goes my mind) and it was seriously the best wrap I have ever had. I had spicky fajita chicken, rice, sauteed onions and peppers and then a ranch dipping sauce all wrapped up in a garlic tortilla...heaven I tell ya! After our adventure to Wild Wings Michael and I came back to the house and I watched him play video games until I fell asleep to the sound of pitter patter on the roof from rain. All in all a good weekend had by all:) The next time I post I will find something more entertaining to post about and add some pictures:) Until next time my blogging friends:)

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