Thursday, June 11, 2009

Got a little CRAZY today =)

Since my birthday is on Saturday...I turn the big 27!!! WOW!!! I decided that today I wanted to get a little crazy, so who else to do this with, but my AMAZING best friend and cousin Stef. I told her go with me to get my nose pierced, so thats exactly what we did:) It didn't hurt nearly as bad as I thought it would, but it didn't feel that great either. I like it and so to make feel younger I decided to go with it :) I took a picture for your enjoyment!! I will be blogging after my birthday weekend! LOVE you all!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I am SO PROUD to be an AMERICAN!!

As I sit here typing about this past weekend and what a MAJOR holiday to me it was tears roll down my face. Memorial Day to me is so touching, this holiday will make a grown man cry. Everyday I take living in this AMAZING country for granted and I have yet to figure out why. Everyone celebrates holidays in their own way and I think that's great, but I don't think people take enough time to stop and actually think what this holiday actually represents. My dad was in the Army and did the Changing of the Guards at Arlington National Cemetery so it's a big deal in my family. Also since I am dating an Army guy it has made me realize how important our service men and women are to me. Enough about the sappy stuff, I guess I will share the events of my Memorial Day weekend:)

The weekend was pretty uneventful until Sunday. Like I said before I am dating an AMAZING Army guy(yes I am biased) and his unit got volunteered to do a 21 gun salute at our Vietnam Memorial we have here in downtown Savannah. Mike told me the ceremony started at 5 or 6 so I got in my car and drove down there like a bat out of hell and got there right at 5 to find out the ceremony didn't even start till 7:30...ugh men I tell ya! It was a rather nice ceremony. The Marine Corps band from Beaufort SC came to play while people were coming to the ceremony. We got really lucky and the weather was nice, since it had rained every day for a week. A Lt. in the Marine Corps that had just gotten back from Iraq last month came and spoke about different things about the military. Then it was time for my honey and his unit to do their 21 gun salute and when they did it, it sent chills down my spine. After the 21 gun salute the Marine Corps band played Taps and everyone lit and candle and stood around the memorial to pay tribute to the 106 fallen victims that died in Vietnam from Savannah. I took some pictures, but this very tall man in front of me blocked my view of the 21 gun salute...go figure!

On Monday Mike and I decided that we would do what almost every American was doing and go to a baseball game. We have a minor league baseball team here that's affiliated with the New York Mets and they are called the Sandgnats, so we decided to go watch them play. The weather again was GORGEOUS after the solid week of rain we had. We thought the game would be pretty full, but hardly anybody was there. I guess people were taking advantage of the pretty weather and were at the beach. The game was good even though we lost and it was Mike's first Sandgnat game and he said he wanted to go back for more games, so that's good:) I love me some beer, hot dogs and Sandgnat baseball:)

All in all the weekend was AWESOME!! I got to spend it with loved ones and of course the AMAZING bf:) I hope everyone had a GREAT Memorial Day. God Bless America and THANK YOU to all of our service men and women!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rainy what else to do....SHOP!!!

Well when I moved to Georgia I didn't think I was moving to Seattle, but I guess I did. It has rained everyday here for a week straight and to be very honest I am SICK and TIRED of it!!! The beach is seriously having withdrawals, because I haven't been able to visit in a very long time due to all this rain. So God since I know you want me to lay out and harm my skin, please make this rain stop...NOW!!

I woke Michael up so that he could get ready to go to work and I thought to myself, with him at work all day, time to myself = shopping...every girls dream right?!?! Well that's exactly what I did, I think I went a little crazy, but what the heck, I haven't been shopping in a very long while, so I didn't feel bad one single bit:)

My first stop was Sally's. I have been wanting to look at this wonderful thing they call OPI nail polish. I have a SERIOUS addiction to it, I might even need to check myself into rehab for it, but I just can't because it's so wonderful:) While at Sally's I REALLY did have a mission to accomplish and that was to get my AMAZING friend Teana part of her gift for the bet she won. We had a bet going between the ROCKETS and the lakers...her lakers cheated, but a bet is a bet;) I seriously could spend days in Sally's and never get tired of it. So I bought OPI on Collins Ave and Ladies and Magenta-Men. I think I love OPI so much, not because they are awesome colors, but I just LOVE the names of the polish. So to give you a sneak peak of what they look like.After Sally's I ventured over to New York and Company and bought a couple of dresses. I was really hesitant about the long dresses on a vertically challenged girl like me, but I thought what the heck and tried them on and LOVED them. They are super comfy and I would say the next best thing to OPI nail polish, Coach purses and BIG sunglasses. You can dress up or be really casual with them. I also bought one knee length sundress. I think I am set on dresses for a while now. You just can't beat sundresses, so comfy and cool:)

After New York and Company I ran into Victoria Secrets to see what I could find and dream about my body fitting into, but I didn't find anything, but their new scent. Let me tell you its AMAZING, DIVINE, many more words. I just LOVE it:) The scent is called Heavenly Bloom. If you are by a Victoria Secret, stop in and smell it, you wont be sorry:) I was going to buy some, but they were already out of the big bottles, so the lady said they would be in on Monday, so I will be back at the mall on Monday to get my Heavenly Bloom!

After the mall, I thought hmmmm I wonder if there is a TJ Maxx here? I got the gps and plugged in TJ Maxx and I swear music was playing when it showed me the address to TJ Maxx, I was in heaven:) I just love that store! I went in thinking I wasn't going to find anything, but stupid me I was wrong and my credit card bill will remind me of that at the end of the month;) I got a cute swimsuit cover up, a couple of beach towels, a cute pair of flip flops and this to die for beach bag. I also got a few things for the house, nothing to exciting, but it was things I needed.

All in all I had a wonderful day full of shopping and "Amber" time. It's nice to have every once in a while, since I don't get much of it. In honor of Memorial Day, my honey is doing his 21 gun salute on Sunday so I will post pictures of that when we get back from that and show off my handsome solider to everyone:) Until next time my wonderful blogging friends:)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A weekend of RAIN, A ROCKETS LOSS & more...

The weekend was pretty good for the simple fact we got to see Michelle and Russ which is my cousins husbands sister and bro in law...did everyone follow that? They spent the weekend with us and of course a good time was had by all. Its always good to see them:) After I got home from Michaels on Saturday afternoon, my neighbor her kids and their cousins wanted to go to the community pool, so they asked and I of course couldn't turn down sun, a pool and great kiddos. Jackee begged me to go since she can't swim and wanted me to help her out with the kids. So off we go to the pool with 4 kids and 2 adults. I thought that they were going to play in the kiddie pool which is only 1ft. since they couldn't swim and Jackee and I were gonna get to lay out and jam to the ipod and get some rays, but that was short lived when they came running up and screaming my name to go into the big pool. I made the mistake of swimming and playing with them the last time and now they beg for me to play everytime. Which is ok with because I get to act like a 5yr old again and I am ok with that. We spent a good 2hrs at the pool. When I got out I was a prune, I havent been like that in I dont know how long, but all I had to do was look at my pruney hands and that reminded me of a great time with at the pool. As we are walking back home from the pool and I say to Jackee, man it smells like someone is cooking out, well the older I get the sooner my mind forgets things and then it dawned on me oh wait Jeff is cooking out! I was so hungry from playing at the pool that I stuffed my face with a juicy burger. I had ever intention of eating a dog too, but that was short lived when I felt my stomach about to pop from that awesome burger. After a wonderful burger we turned on the All Star NASCAR race to watch that. I was really hoping that my drive Kasey would actually win, since he won last year, but alas he disappointed me and didn't win. Oh well bring on the next race. Sunday was a good day a bit rainy and humid, but the wonderful and amazing bf wanted to take me on a lunch date to a sports bar(typical guy) to drink some brewskies and watch the Rockets and Lakers game. What a terrible game by the Rockets, but we had a good time anyway. We went to Wild Wings and I was so impressed by their food. I had the Fajita Chicken wrap(I think thats what it was called....see there goes my mind) and it was seriously the best wrap I have ever had. I had spicky fajita chicken, rice, sauteed onions and peppers and then a ranch dipping sauce all wrapped up in a garlic tortilla...heaven I tell ya! After our adventure to Wild Wings Michael and I came back to the house and I watched him play video games until I fell asleep to the sound of pitter patter on the roof from rain. All in all a good weekend had by all:) The next time I post I will find something more entertaining to post about and add some pictures:) Until next time my blogging friends:)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Well today is such a SPECIAL day for all the mommies and mommies to be, to be recognized. Living in Georgia has made me realize how much I DO miss my momma:) My momma is one special person and its such an honor to be her daughter. This weekend was pretty eventful. Yesterday my cousin her husband and I decided that it would cool to head to Brunswick Georgia and visit an old plantation home. It was such a GORGEOUS day outside, that we HAD to be outside. It was hot, but there was a breeze every once in a while that we sure took advantage of or the awesome shade trees that were on the property. The plantation was lived on until 1973 until the state of Georgia bought it. Stefanie and I thought well since we are going to a plantation today we will wear cute little sundresses and we are so glad we did, because we stayed cool for the most part. After the tour of the actual house we went and did a nature hike to look at the marsh lands, but that was short lived when we were getting attacked by bugs. Jeff had knee surgery about a month ago so he is walking with a cane and I have never seen him walk so fast as I did when the bugs started biting him. When we got back to the car, we were pondering on the idea of getting back on the main highway or taking a scenic route, well the toursity people we are we took the scenic route. We saw the smallest church in America, but of course Mr. Speed Demon was going to fast and we didn't get to stop and take pictures. Stefanie and I thought you could maybe fit the Pastor and yourself in there. Since Mr. Speed Demon was going so fast it was just a blur, but in reality I don't think it would have been much bigger if we were driving the speed limit, that's how small it was. When we got back to the house we cooked an awesome dinner of pork chops, green bean casserole, and garlic butter was VERY good! Our bellies were full just in time to watch the NASCAR race. My driver Kasey Kahne was doing good up until he ran into the back of someone which caused him to finish low in the standings...oh well he is still very yummy:) Today we are going to pick up a new sleigh bed for my room that I ordered so I am pretty excited about that:) I will finally get the mattress and box springs off the floor:) I hope everyone has a GREAT day with their mommies today! I will leave you with some pictures of the plantation we went and visited yesterday.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Where do the weekends go...I know where, they slip away to fast!!!

I am always sad when Sunday night rolls around, because then it means back to the daily grind. I have come to believe that weekends are way to short and it's just not fair! This weekend was awesome. Watched the Kentucky Derby, and WOW what an experience that was....come from behind win. The horse we bet on of course lost, but it was fun! Saw a few famous people, Leann Rimes and Paris Hilton. It's something that you must do before you die! Went and laid out by the pool today and it was awesome!! We were laying out when the staff came around and were telling people to get out of the pool because someone threw up...gross I know, but it was fine by me because I wasnt swimming and all the kids left, so it was peaceful and i got to sleep, lay out and jam to my ipod...HEAVEN to me:) On my way back from the pool the neighbors kids saw me and wanted to go, so I said sure why not...I don't get to act like a kid everyday, so back we went to play in the kiddie pool until the big pool opened up again. Now its back to the daily grind, of hospital, hospital and more hospital...but I DO love my job, I promise:) This week will be very hectic as I am preparing to give a presentation in front of about 100 people about my occupation and what I do. So it's back to making flash cards, just like the good ol' days of college:) As soon as I find the charger for my carmera I will upload the Kentucky Derby pictures. Until the next time my blogging friends:)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Well after reading many blogs and thinking to myself how fun would this be to blog, my AWESOME and AMAZING HOT Momma friend from Cali, Teana convinced me to join. I am not sure really what to blog about, since I don't live a real exciting life, but I guess that means I will have to do more fun stuff so that I can blog:) I am making my new home in Georgia and what can I say I LOVE it. I always thought I would be a Texas girl my whole life(and I am in my heart) but I decided that after 26yrs of living in Texas and some life changing events I decided that it would be best to move and so here I am. I have made some awesome friends here and wouldn't trade em for the world. The next door neighbors kids are awesome and so they come over all the time to hang with "Miss Amber" and those are the days I look forward to after a really busy day. There is so much to do here in Georgia. It's a very touristy town, but so much to offer. I am still learning something new about this town everyday. It makes the transition even better that I have my cousin and her husband here. They are the most AMAZING people in the world, I seriously couldn't ask for better people to enter my life:) Since moving here I have been on a work out and run kick and it has really changed my life! I wake up feeling better than I have ever have before. I didn't take before pics, so when I decide to take some pics of me I will post em:) I will leave with a few pics of my new home Savannah Georgia! Until next time my blogging friends:)